When you are ready, open Minecraft PE, press 'Play' and open a world. Your game will be hosted over WiFi, Bluetooth and/or the Internet depending on your configuration.
NOTE: Please sign in to select, edit or create Internet configurations.
World Type:
Server Type:
Your server is Private, you must manually add players here to allow them access. Tap the edit button on the top right to add players.
Your server is Public so all players will be allowed to join. If you also want to send invites to specific players add them here by tapping the edit button on the right.
Turn this setting on to enable all Plug PE commands like .tp (teleport), .g (give), .ban etc. Remember you can setup permisions on which players can use which commands.
Turning this OFF will disable all Plug PE commands and features. If you don't want to use commands a better way is to disable them all in the 'Default' group to prevent players using them. This way you still have access to .ban and .kick and all commands yourself.
This setting is mainly here in case Minecraft PE is updated and commands break. You could turn them off until we release an update.
Permission groups allow you to set different permissions for each player.
The default group cannot be deleted and applies to all new players you have not set a group for yet. Use this group to set very basic or no permissions for new players who join.
Tap a group to edit/delete it, or tap the + icon to add a new group.
In Adventure Mode players cannot break or place blocks.
This mode is useful for Parkour style levels or other levels where players do not need to edit the world.
For grief prevention, turn this OFF and use 'Prevent Items' instead as that option allows you to select specific Items the user cannot use.
Prevent Items allows you to prevent certain items being used in your world. This is especially useful to prevent griefing with items like water, lava and TNT.
NOTE: The items you select here apply to ALL players who join, but not to you as world owner.
Tap an item to delete it, or tap the + icon to add a new item.
You can chose as many options as you like:
Local WiFi hosting - ONLY players on the SAME WiFi connection as you can connect to your world. Make sure all players are connected to the SAME WiFi router.
Local Bluetooth hosting - ONLY players near you (10 meters or so) can connect to you over Bluetooth. (Usefull when you don't have a WiFi connection like in a car). Remember all players must run Plug PE and turn Bluetooth ON (see help).
Internet hosting - players can connect to you over the internet (3G/4G/LTE/WiFi). Your server will show on the 'Join' page. (You can still make your server private and invite only).
The title and description you enter here will be shown to other users on the Join Server page. Use them to explain what you are hosting, your world rules and any other information you like about the world.
The World Type you select here will also be shown on the Join Server page. You should select the actual type you will be running, and not try to trick joiners!
NOTE: Plug PE will try to detect the type of world you are running, what you put here will only be used if Plug PE cannot detect the world type.
Public - Your server will be shown on the Join Server page, and anyone on the internet using Plug PE will be able to join. You should make sure 'Default' Plug PE permissions are set to prevent griefing (prevent lava etc). You can still choose players to specifically send an invite to. These players will receive a notification on their device to let them know you invited them to play.
Private - Your server will only be shown on the Join Server page to the friends you add to the list. Only those players/friends will be able to join your server. These players will also receive a notification on their device to let them know you invited them to play and are currently hosting your world.
Since your server is Public it will be shown on the Join Server page, and anyone on the internet using Plug PE will be able to join.
Select specific players you would like to send an invite to here.
These players will receive a notification on their device to let them know you invited them to play and are currently hosting your world.
Since your server is Private only the specific players you select here will see your world and be able to join it.
Select specific players to give them access to connect to your world.
These players will also receive a notification on their device to let them know you invited them to play and are currently hosting your world.
ID | Name | Description | |
1:0 | Stone:Stone | Stone (Stone) | |
1:1 | Stone:Granite | Stone (Granite) | |
1:2 | Stone:PolishedGranite | Stone (Polished Granite) | |
1:3 | Stone:Diorite | Stone (Diorite) | |
1:4 | Stone:PolishedDiorite | Stone (Polished Diorite) | |
1:5 | Stone:Andesite | Stone (Andesite) | |
1:6 | Stone:PolishedAndesite | Stone (Polished Andesite) | |
2 | GrassBlock | Grass Block | |
3 | Dirt | Dirt | |
4 | Cobblestone | Cobblestone | |
5:0 | WoodPlanks:Oak | Wood Planks (Oak) | |
5:1 | WoodPlanks:Spruce | Wood Planks (Spruce) | |
5:2 | WoodPlanks:Birch | Wood Planks (Birch) | |
5:3 | WoodPlanks:Jungle | Wood Planks (Jungle) | |
5:4 | WoodPlanks:Acacia | Wood Planks (Acacia) | |
5:5 | WoodPlanks:DarkOak | Wood Planks (Dark Oak) | |
6:0 | Sapling:Oak | Sapling (Oak) | |
6:1 | Sapling:Spruce | Sapling (Spruce) | |
6:2 | Sapling:Birch | Sapling (Birch) | |
6:3 | Sapling:Jungle | Sapling (Jungle) | |
6:4 | Sapling:Acacia | Sapling (Acacia) | |
6:5 | Sapling:DarkOak | Sapling (Dark Oak) | |
7 | Bedrock | Bedrock | |
8 | Water | Water | |
9 | CalmWater | Calm Water | |
10 | Lava | Lava | |
11 | CalmLava | Calm Lava | |
12:0 | Sand:White | Sand (White) | |
12:1 | Sand:Red | Sand (Red) | |
13 | Gravel | Gravel | |
14 | GoldOre | Gold Ore | |
15 | IronOre | Iron Ore | |
16 | CoalOre | Coal Ore | |
17:0 | Wood:Oak | Wood (Oak) | |
17:1 | Wood:Spruce | Wood (Spruce) | |
17:2 | Wood:Birch | Wood (Birch) | |
17:3 | Wood:Jungle | Wood (Jungle) | |
18:0 | Leaves:Oak | Leaves (Oak) | |
18:1 | Leaves:Spruce | Leaves (Spruce) | |
18:2 | Leaves:Birch | Leaves (Birch) | |
18:3 | Leaves:Jungle | Leaves (Jungle) | |
18:4 | Leaves:OakNoDecay | Leaves (Oak No Decay) | |
18:5 | Leaves:SpruceNoDecay | Leaves (Spruce No Decay) | |
18:6 | Leaves:BirchNoDecay | Leaves (Birch No Decay) | |
18:7 | Leaves:JungleNoDecay | Leaves (Jungle No Decay) | |
19 | Sponge | Sponge | |
20 | Glass | Glass | |
21 | LapisLazuliOre | Lapis Lazuli Ore | |
22 | LapisLazuliBlock | Lapis Lazuli Block | |
23 | Dispenser | Dispenser | |
24:0 | Sandstone:Normal | Sandstone (Normal) | |
24:1 | Sandstone:Chiseled | Sandstone (Chiseled) | |
24:2 | Sandstone:Smooth | Sandstone (Smooth) | |
24:3 | Sandstone:Fine | Sandstone (Fine) | |
24:4 | Sandstone:Course | Sandstone (Course) | |
24:5 | Sandstone:VerySmooth | Sandstone (Very Smooth) | |
25 | NoteBlock | Note Block | |
26 | BedBlock | Bed Block | |
27 | PoweredRail | Powered Rail | |
28 | DetectorRail | Detector Rail | |
30 | Cobweb | Cobweb | |
31:0 | Grass:FernGrass | Grass (Fern Grass) | |
31:1 | Grass:Normal | Grass (Normal) | |
31:2 | Grass:Fern | Grass (Fern) | |
31:3 | Grass:LargeFern | Grass (Large Fern) | |
32 | DeadBush | Dead Bush | |
35:0 | Wool:White | Wool (White) | |
35:1 | Wool:Orange | Wool (Orange) | |
35:2 | Wool:Magenta | Wool (Magenta) | |
35:3 | Wool:LightBlue | Wool (Light Blue) | |
35:4 | Wool:Yellow | Wool (Yellow) | |
35:5 | Wool:Lime | Wool (Lime) | |
35:6 | Wool:Pink | Wool (Pink) | |
35:7 | Wool:Gray | Wool (Gray) | |
35:8 | Wool:LightGray | Wool (Light Gray) | |
35:9 | Wool:Cyan | Wool (Cyan) | |
35:10 | Wool:Purple | Wool (Purple) | |
35:11 | Wool:Blue | Wool (Blue) | |
35:12 | Wool:Brown | Wool (Brown) | |
35:13 | Wool:Green | Wool (Green) | |
35:14 | Wool:Red | Wool (Red) | |
35:15 | Wool:Black | Wool (Black) | |
37 | Dandelion | Dandelion | |
38:0 | Flowers:Poppy | Flowers (Poppy) | |
38:1 | Flowers:BlueOrchid | Flowers (Blue Orchid) | |
38:2 | Flowers:Allium | Flowers (Allium) | |
38:3 | Flowers:AzureBluet | Flowers (Azure Bluet) | |
38:4 | Flowers:RedTulip | Flowers (Red Tulip) | |
38:5 | Flowers:OrangeTulip | Flowers (Orange Tulip) | |
38:6 | Flowers:WhiteTulip | Flowers (White Tulip) | |
38:7 | Flowers:PinkTulip | Flowers (Pink Tulip) | |
38:8 | Flowers:OxeyeDaisy | Flowers (Oxeye Daisy) | |
39 | BrownMushroom | Brown Mushroom | |
40 | RedMushroom | Red Mushroom | |
41 | BlockOfGold | Block Of Gold | |
42 | BlockOfIron | Block Of Iron | |
43 | DoubleStoneSlab | Double Stone Slab | |
44:0 | Slab:Stone | Slab (Stone) | |
44:1 | Slab:Sandstone | Slab (Sandstone) | |
44:2 | Slab:Wooden | Slab (Wooden) | |
44:3 | Slab:Cobblestone | Slab (Cobblestone) | |
44:4 | Slab:Bricks | Slab (Bricks) | |
44:5 | Slab:StoneBricks | Slab (Stone Bricks) | |
44:6 | Slab:Quartz | Slab (Quartz) | |
44:7 | Slab:NetherBrick | Slab (Nether Brick) | |
44:8 | Slab:UpperStone | Slab (Upper Stone) | |
44:9 | Slab:UpperSandstone | Slab (Upper Sandstone) | |
44:10 | Slab:UpperFakeWood | Slab (Upper Fake Wood) | |
44:11 | Slab:UpperCobblestone | Slab (Upper Cobblestone) | |
44:12 | Slab:UpperBricks | Slab (Upper Bricks) | |
44:13 | Slab:UpperStoneBricks | Slab (Upper Stone Bricks) | |
44:14 | Slab:UpperQuartz | Slab (Upper Quartz) | |
44:15 | Slab:UpperNetherBrick | Slab (Upper Nether Brick) | |
45 | Bricks | Bricks | |
46 | TNT | TNT | |
47 | Bookshelf | Bookshelf | |
48 | MossStone | Moss Stone | |
49 | Obsidian | Obsidian | |
50 | Torch | Torch | |
51 | Fire | Fire | |
52 | MonsterSpawner | Monster Spawner | |
53 | OakWoodStairs | Oak Wood Stairs | |
54 | Chest | Chest | |
55 | RedstoneDust | Redstone Dust | |
56 | DiamondOre | Diamond Ore | |
57 | BlockOfDiamond | Block Of Diamond | |
58 | CraftingTable | Crafting Table | |
59 | Crops | Crops | |
60 | FarmLand | FarmLand | |
61 | Furnace | Furnace | |
62 | BurningFurnace | Burning Furnace | |
63 | SignPost | Sign Post | |
64 | OakDoorBlock | Oak Door Block | |
65 | Ladder | Ladder | |
66 | Rail | Rail | |
67 | CobblestoneStairs | Cobblestone Stairs | |
68 | WallSign | Wall Sign | |
69 | Lever | Lever | |
70 | StonePressurePlate | Stone Pressure Plate | |
71 | IronDoorBlock | Iron Door Block | |
72 | WoodenPressurePlate | Wooden Pressure Plate | |
73 | RedstoneOre | Redstone Ore | |
74 | GlowingRedstoneOre | Glowing Redstone Ore | |
75 | RedstoneTorch | Redstone Torch | |
76 | LitRedstoneTorch | Lit Redstone Torch | |
77 | StoneButton | Stone Button | |
78 | TopSnow | Top Snow | |
79 | Ice | Ice | |
80 | Snow | Snow | |
81 | Cactus | Cactus | |
82 | ClayBlock | Clay Block | |
83 | SugarCaneBlock | Sugar Cane Block | |
85:0 | Fence:Oak | Fence (Oak) | |
85:1 | Fence:Spruce | Fence (Spruce) | |
85:2 | Fence:Birch | Fence (Birch) | |
85:3 | Fence:Jungle | Fence (Jungle) | |
85:4 | Fence:Acacia | Fence (Acacia) | |
85:5 | Fence:DarkOak | Fence (Dark Oak) | |
86 | Pumpkin | Pumpkin | |
87 | Netherrack | Netherrack | |
88 | SoulSand | Soul Sand | |
89 | Glowstone | Glowstone | |
90 | Portal | Portal | |
91 | JackoLantern | Jack o Lantern | |
92 | CakeBlock | Cake Block | |
93 | RepeaterOff | Repeater Off | |
94 | RepeaterOn | Repeater On | |
95 | InvisibleBedrock | Invisible Bedrock | |
96 | WoodenTrapdoor | Wooden Trapdoor | |
97:0 | MonsterEgg:Stone | Monster Egg (Stone) | |
97:1 | MonsterEgg:Cobblestone | Monster Egg (Cobblestone) | |
97:2 | MonsterEgg:StoneBrick | Monster Egg (Stone Brick) | |
97:3 | MonsterEgg:Mossy | Monster Egg (Mossy) | |
97:4 | MonsterEgg:CrackedStone | Monster Egg (Cracked Stone) | |
97:5 | MonsterEgg:ChiseledStone | Monster Egg (Chiseled Stone) | |
98:0 | StoneBrick:Normal | Stone Brick (Normal) | |
98:1 | StoneBrick:Mossy | Stone Brick (Mossy) | |
98:2 | StoneBrick:Cracked | Stone Brick (Cracked) | |
98:3 | StoneBrick:Chiseled | Stone Brick (Chiseled) | |
98:4 | StoneBrick:SmoothBricks | Stone Brick (SmoothBricks) | |
98:5 | StoneBrick:Bricks | Stone Brick (Bricks) | |
99:0 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type0 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 0) | |
99:1 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type1 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 1) | |
99:2 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type2 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 2) | |
99:3 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type3 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 3) | |
99:4 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type4 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 4) | |
99:5 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type5 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 5) | |
99:6 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type6 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 6) | |
99:7 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type7 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 7) | |
99:8 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type8 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 8) | |
99:9 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type9 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 9) | |
99:10 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type10 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 10) | |
99:11 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type11 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 11) | |
99:12 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type12 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 12) | |
99:13 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type13 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 13) | |
99:14 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type14 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 14) | |
99:15 | HugeBrownMushroom:Type15 | Huge Brown Mushroom (Type 15) | |
100:0 | HugeRedMushroom:Type0 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 0) | |
100:1 | HugeRedMushroom:Type1 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 1) | |
100:2 | HugeRedMushroom:Type2 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 2) | |
100:3 | HugeRedMushroom:Type3 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 3) | |
100:4 | HugeRedMushroom:Type4 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 4) | |
100:5 | HugeRedMushroom:Type5 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 5) | |
100:6 | HugeRedMushroom:Type6 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 6) | |
100:7 | HugeRedMushroom:Type7 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 7) | |
100:8 | HugeRedMushroom:Type8 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 8) | |
100:9 | HugeRedMushroom:Type9 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 9) | |
100:10 | HugeRedMushroom:Type10 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 10) | |
100:11 | HugeRedMushroom:Type11 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 11) | |
100:12 | HugeRedMushroom:Type12 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 12) | |
100:13 | HugeRedMushroom:Type13 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 13) | |
100:14 | HugeRedMushroom:Type14 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 14) | |
100:15 | HugeRedMushroom:Type15 | Huge Red Mushroom (Type 15) | |
101 | IronBars | Iron Bars | |
102 | GlassPane | Glass Pane | |
103 | MelonBlock | Melon Block | |
104 | PumpkinStem | Pumpkin Stem | |
105 | MelonStem | Melon Stem | |
106 | Vines | Vines | |
107 | OakFenceGate | Oak Fence Gate | |
108 | BrickStairs | Brick Stairs | |
109 | StoneBrickStairs | Stone Brick Stairs | |
110 | Mycelium | Mycelium | |
111 | LilyPad | Lily Pad | |
112 | NetherBrickBlock | Nether Brick Block | |
113 | NetherBrickFence | Nether Brick Fence | |
114 | NetherBrickStairs | Nether Brick Stairs | |
115:0 | NetherWart:Small | Nether Wart (Small) | |
115:1 | NetherWart:Medium | Nether Wart (Medium) | |
115:2 | NetherWart:Large | Nether Wart (Large) | |
115:3 | NetherWart:Grown | Nether Wart (Grown) | |
116 | EnchantmentTable | Enchantment Table | |
117 | BrewingStandBlock | Brewing Stand Block | |
118 | CauldronBlock | Cauldron Block | |
120 | EndPortal | End Portal | |
121 | EndStone | End Stone | |
123 | RedstoneLamp | Redstone Lamp | |
124 | LitRedstoneLamp | Lit Redstone Lamp | |
125 | Dropper | Dropper | |
126 | ActivatorRail | Activator Rail | |
127 | Cocoa | Cocoa | |
128 | SandstoneStairs | Sandstone Stairs | |
129 | EmeraldOre | Emerald Ore | |
131 | TripwireHook | Tripwire Hook | |
132 | Tripwire | Tripwire | |
133 | BlockOfEmerald | Block Of Emerald | |
134 | SpruceWoodStairs | Spruce Wood Stairs | |
135 | BirchWoodStairs | Birch Wood Stairs | |
136 | JungleWoodStairs | Jungle Wood Stairs | |
139:0 | CobblestoneWall:Normal | Cobblestone Wall (Normal) | |
139:1 | CobblestoneWall:Mossy | Cobblestone Wall (Mossy) | |
140 | FlowerPotBlock | Flower Pot Block | |
141 | Carrots | Carrots | |
142 | Potatos | Potatos | |
143 | WoodenButton | Wooden Button | |
144 | MobHeadBlock | Mob Head Block | |
145:0 | Anvil:Normal | Anvil (Normal) | |
145:4 | Anvil:SlightlyDamaged | Anvil (Slightly Damaged) | |
145:8 | Anvil:VeryDamaged | Anvil (Very Damaged) | |
146 | TrappedChest | Trapped Chest | |
147 | LightWeightedPressurePlate | Light Weighted Pressure Plate | |
148 | HeavyWeightedPressurePlate | Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate | |
149 | ComparatorOff | Comparator Off | |
150 | ComparatorOn | Comparator On | |
151 | DaylightSensor | Daylight Sensor | |
152 | BlockOfRedstone | Block Of Redstone | |
153 | NetherQuartzOre | Nether Quartz Ore | |
154 | HopperBlock | Hopper Block | |
155:0 | Quartz:Block | Quartz (Block) | |
155:1 | Quartz:Chiseled | Quartz (Chiseled) | |
155:2 | Quartz:Pillar | Quartz (Pillar) | |
156 | QuartzStairs | Quartz Stairs | |
157 | DoubleOakWoodSlab | Double Oak Wood Slab | |
158:0 | WoodSlab:Oak | Wood Slab (Oak) | |
158:1 | WoodSlab:Spruce | Wood Slab (Spruce) | |
158:2 | WoodSlab:Birch | Wood Slab (Birch) | |
158:3 | WoodSlab:Jungle | Wood Slab (Jungle) | |
158:4 | WoodSlab:Acacia | Wood Slab (Acacia) | |
158:5 | WoodSlab:DarkOak | Wood Slab (Dark Oak) | |
159:0 | StainedClay:White | Stained Clay (White) | |
159:1 | StainedClay:Orange | Stained Clay (Orange) | |
159:2 | StainedClay:Magenta | Stained Clay (Magenta) | |
159:3 | StainedClay:LightBlue | Stained Clay (Light Blue) | |
159:4 | StainedClay:Yellow | Stained Clay (Yellow) | |
159:5 | StainedClay:Lime | Stained Clay (Lime) | |
159:6 | StainedClay:Pink | Stained Clay (Pink) | |
159:7 | StainedClay:Gray | Stained Clay (Gray) | |
159:8 | StainedClay:LightGray | Stained Clay (Light Gray) | |
159:9 | StainedClay:Cyan | Stained Clay (Cyan) | |
159:10 | StainedClay:Purple | Stained Clay (Purple) | |
159:11 | StainedClay:Blue | Stained Clay (Blue) | |
159:12 | StainedClay:Brown | Stained Clay (Brown) | |
159:13 | StainedClay:Green | Stained Clay (Green) | |
159:14 | StainedClay:Red | Stained Clay (Red) | |
159:15 | StainedClay:Black | Stained Clay (Black) | |
161:0 | AcaciaLeaves:Normal | Acacia Leaves (Normal) | |
161:1 | AcaciaLeaves:DarkOak | Acacia Leaves (Dark Oak) | |
161:2 | AcaciaLeaves:OakNoDecay | Acacia Leaves (Oak No Decay) | |
161:3 | AcaciaLeaves:SpruceNoDecay | Acacia Leaves (Spruce No Decay) | |
162:0 | AcaciaWood:Normal | Acacia Wood (Normal) | |
162:1 | AcaciaWood:DarkOak | Acacia Wood (Dark Oak) | |
163 | AcaciaWoodStairs | Acacia Wood Stairs | |
164 | DarkOakWoodStairs | Dark Oak Wood Stairs | |
165 | SlimeBlock | Slime Block | |
167 | IronTrapdoor | Iron Trapdoor | |
170 | HayBale | Hay Bale | |
171:0 | Carpet:White | Carpet (White) | |
171:1 | Carpet:Orange | Carpet (Orange) | |
171:2 | Carpet:Magenta | Carpet (Magenta) | |
171:3 | Carpet:LightBlue | Carpet (Light Blue) | |
171:4 | Carpet:Yellow | Carpet (Yellow) | |
171:5 | Carpet:Lime | Carpet (Lime) | |
171:6 | Carpet:Pink | Carpet (Pink) | |
171:7 | Carpet:Gray | Carpet (Gray) | |
171:8 | Carpet:LightGray | Carpet (Light Gray) | |
171:9 | Carpet:Cyan | Carpet (Cyan) | |
171:10 | Carpet:Purple | Carpet (Purple) | |
171:11 | Carpet:Blue | Carpet (Blue) | |
171:12 | Carpet:Brown | Carpet (Brown) | |
171:13 | Carpet:Green | Carpet (Green) | |
171:14 | Carpet:Red | Carpet (Red) | |
171:15 | Carpet:Black | Carpet (Black) | |
172 | HardenedClay | Hardened Clay | |
173 | BlockOfCoal | Block Of Coal | |
174 | PackedIce | Packed Ice | |
175:0 | Flower:Sunflower | Flower (Sunflower) | |
175:1 | Flower:Lilac | Flower (Lilac) | |
175:2 | Flower:DoubleTallgrass | Flower (Double Tallgrass) | |
175:3 | Flower:LargeFern | Flower (Large Fern) | |
175:4 | Flower:RoseBush | Flower (Rose Bush) | |
175:5 | Flower:Peony | Flower (Peony) | |
178 | InvertedDaylightSensor | Inverted Daylight Sensor | |
179:0 | RedSandstone:Normal | Red Sandstone (Normal) | |
179:1 | RedSandstone:Chiseled | Red Sandstone (Chiseled) | |
179:2 | RedSandstone:Smooth | Red Sandstone (Smooth) | |
179:3 | RedSandstone:Fine | Red Sandstone (Fine) | |
179:4 | RedSandstone:Course | Red Sandstone (Course) | |
179:5 | RedSandstone:VerySmooth | Red Sandstone (Very Smooth) | |
180 | RedSandstoneStairs | Red Sandstone Stairs | |
181 | RedSandstoneSlab | Red Sandstone Slab | |
182 | RedSandstoneHalfSlab | Red Sandstone Half Slab | |
183 | SpruceFenceGate | Spruce Fence Gate | |
184 | BirchFenceGate | Birch Fence Gate | |
185 | JungleFenceGate | Jungle Fence Gate | |
186 | DarkOakFenceGate | Dark Oak Fence Gate | |
187 | AcaciaFenceGate | Acacia Fence Gate | |
193 | SpruceDoorBlock | Spruce Door Block | |
194 | BirchDoorBlock | Birch Door Block | |
195 | JungleDoorBlock | Jungle Door Block | |
196 | AcaciaDoorBlock | Acacia Door Block | |
197 | DarkOakDoorBlock | Dark Oak Door Block | |
198 | GrassPath | Grass Path | |
200 | ItemFrameBlock | Item Frame Block | |
243 | Podzol | Podzol | |
244 | BeetrootBlock | Beetroot Block | |
245 | StoneCutter | Stone Cutter | |
246 | GlowingObsidian | Glowing Obsidian | |
247 | NetherReactorCore | Nether Reactor Core | |
248 | UnusedBlock | Unused Block | |
249 | UnusedBlock2 | Unused Block2 | |
255 | reserved | reserved | |
256 | IronShovel | Iron Shovel | |
257 | IronPickaxe | Iron Pickaxe | |
258 | IronAxe | Iron Axe | |
259 | FlintAndSteel | Flint And Steel | |
260 | Apple | Apple | |
261 | Bow | Bow | |
262 | Arrow | Arrow | |
263:0 | Coal:Normal | Coal (Normal) | |
263:1 | Coal:Charcoal | Coal (Charcoal) | |
264 | Diamond | Diamond | |
265 | IronIngot | Iron Ingot | |
266 | GoldIngot | Gold Ingot | |
267 | IronSword | Iron Sword | |
268 | WoodenSword | Wooden Sword | |
269 | WoodenShovel | Wooden Shovel | |
270 | WoodenPickaxe | Wooden Pickaxe | |
271 | WoodenAxe | Wooden Axe | |
272 | StoneSword | Stone Sword | |
273 | StoneShovel | Stone Shovel | |
274 | StonePickaxe | Stone Pickaxe | |
275 | StoneAxe | Stone Axe | |
276 | DiamondSword | Diamond Sword | |
277 | DiamondShovel | Diamond Shovel | |
278 | DiamondPickaxe | Diamond Pickaxe | |
279 | DiamondAxe | Diamond Axe | |
280 | Stick | Stick | |
281 | Bowl | Bowl | |
282 | MushroomStew | Mushroom Stew | |
283 | GoldenSword | Golden Sword | |
284 | GoldenShovel | Golden Shovel | |
285 | GoldenPickaxe | Golden Pickaxe | |
286 | GoldenAxe | Golden Axe | |
287 | String | String | |
288 | Feather | Feather | |
289 | Gunpowder | Gunpowder | |
290 | WoodenHoe | Wooden Hoe | |
291 | StoneHoe | Stone Hoe | |
292 | IronHoe | Iron Hoe | |
293 | DiamondHoe | Diamond Hoe | |
294 | GoldenHoe | Golden Hoe | |
295 | Seeds | Seeds | |
296 | Wheat | Wheat | |
297 | Bread | Bread | |
298 | LeatherCap | Leather Cap | |
299 | LeatherTunic | Leather Tunic | |
300 | LeatherPants | Leather Pants | |
301 | LeatherBoots | Leather Boots | |
302 | ChainHelmet | Chain Helmet | |
303 | ChainChestplate | Chain Chestplate | |
304 | ChainLeggings | Chain Leggings | |
305 | ChainBoots | Chain Boots | |
306 | IronHelmet | Iron Helmet | |
307 | IronChestplate | Iron Chestplate | |
308 | IronLeggings | Iron Leggings | |
309 | IronBoots | Iron Boots | |
310 | DiamondHelmet | Diamond Helmet | |
311 | DiamondChestplate | Diamond Chestplate | |
312 | DiamondLeggings | Diamond Leggings | |
313 | DiamondBoots | Diamond Boots | |
314 | GoldenHelmet | Golden Helmet | |
315 | GoldenChestplate | Golden Chestplate | |
316 | GoldenLeggings | Golden Leggings | |
317 | GoldenBoots | Golden Boots | |
318 | Flint | Flint | |
319 | RawPorkchop | Raw Porkchop | |
320 | CookedPorkchop | Cooked Porkchop | |
321 | Painting | Painting | |
322 | GoldenApple | Golden Apple | |
323 | Sign | Sign | |
324 | OakDoor | Oak Door | |
325:0 | Bucket:Empty | Bucket (Empty) | |
325:1 | Bucket:Milk | Bucket (Milk) | |
325:8 | Bucket:Water | Bucket (Water) | |
325:9 | Bucket:StillWater | Bucket (Still Water) | |
325:10 | Bucket:Lava | Bucket (Lava) | |
325:11 | Bucket:StillLava | Bucket (Still Lava) | |
325:46 | Bucket:TNT | Bucket (TNT) | |
325:51 | Bucket:Fire | Bucket (Fire) | |
328 | Minecart | Minecart | |
329 | Saddle | Saddle | |
330 | IronDoor | Iron Door | |
331 | Redstone | Redstone | |
332 | Snowball | Snowball | |
333:0 | Boat:Oak | Boat (Oak) | |
333:1 | Boat:Spruce | Boat (Spruce) | |
333:2 | Boat:Birch | Boat (Birch) | |
333:3 | Boat:Jungle | Boat (Jungle) | |
333:4 | Boat:Acacia | Boat (Acacia) | |
333:5 | Boat:DarkOak | Boat (Dark Oak) | |
334 | Leather | Leather | |
336 | Brick | Brick | |
337 | Clay | Clay | |
338 | SugarCanes | Sugar Canes | |
339 | Paper | Paper | |
340 | Book | Book | |
341 | Slimeball | Slimeball | |
342 | MinecartWithChest | MinecartWithChest | |
344 | Egg | Egg | |
345 | Compass | Compass | |
346 | FishingRod | Fishing Rod | |
347 | Clock | Clock | |
348 | GlowstoneDust | Glowstone Dust | |
349 | RawFish | Raw Fish | |
350 | CookedFish | Cooked Fish | |
351:0 | Dye:IncSac | Dye (Inc Sac) | |
351:1 | Dye:RoseRed | Dye (Rose Red) | |
351:2 | Dye:CactusGreen | Dye (Cactus Green) | |
351:3 | Dye:CocoaBeans | Dye (Cocoa Beans) | |
351:4 | Dye:LapisLazuli | Dye (Lapis Lazuli) | |
351:5 | Dye:Purple | Dye (Purple) | |
351:6 | Dye:Cyan | Dye (Cyan) | |
351:7 | Dye:LightGray | Dye (Light Gray) | |
351:8 | Dye:Gray | Dye (Gray) | |
351:9 | Dye:Pink | Dye (Pink) | |
351:10 | Dye:Lime | Dye (Lime) | |
351:11 | Dye:DandelionYellow | Dye (Dandelion Yellow) | |
351:12 | Dye:LightBlue | Dye (Light Blue) | |
351:13 | Dye:Magenta | Dye (Magenta) | |
351:14 | Dye:Orange | Dye (Orange) | |
351:15 | Dye:BoneMeal | Dye (Bone Meal) | |
352 | Bone | Bone | |
353 | Sugar | Sugar | |
354 | Cake | Cake | |
355 | Bed | Bed | |
356 | RedstoneRepeater | Redstone Repeater | |
357 | Cookie | Cookie | |
358 | Map | Map | |
359 | Shears | Shears | |
360 | Melon | Melon | |
361 | PumpkinSeeds | Pumpkin Seeds | |
362 | MelonSeeds | Melon Seeds | |
363 | RawBeef | Raw Beef | |
364 | Steak | Steak | |
365 | RawChicken | Raw Chicken | |
366 | CookedChicken | Cooked Chicken | |
367 | RottenFlesh | Rotten Flesh | |
369 | BlazeRod | Blaze Rod | |
370 | GhastTear | Ghast Tear | |
371 | GoldNugget | Gold Nugget | |
372:0 | NetherWartItem:Small | Nether Wart Item (Small) | |
372:1 | NetherWartItem:Medium | Nether Wart Item (Medium) | |
372:2 | NetherWartItem:Large | Nether Wart Item (Large) | |
372:3 | NetherWartItem:Grown | Nether Wart Item (Grown) | |
373:0 | Potion:Water | Potion (Water) | |
373:1 | Potion:Mundane | Potion (Mundane) | |
373:2 | Potion:Mundane2 | Potion (Mundane2) | |
373:3 | Potion:Thick | Potion (Thick) | |
373:4 | Potion:Awkward | Potion (Awkward) | |
373:5 | Potion:NightVision | Potion (Night Vision) | |
373:6 | Potion:NightVisionLong | Potion (Night Vision Long) | |
373:7 | Potion:Invisibility | Potion (Invisibility) | |
373:8 | Potion:InvisibilityLong | Potion (Invisibility Long) | |
373:9 | Potion:Leaping | Potion (Leaping) | |
373:10 | Potion:LeapingLong | Potion (Leaping Long) | |
373:11 | Potion:LeapingII | Potion (Leaping II) | |
373:12 | Potion:FireResistance | Potion (Fire Resistance) | |
373:13 | Potion:FireResistanceLong | Potion (Fire Resistance Long) | |
373:14 | Potion:Swiftness | Potion (Swiftness) | |
373:15 | Potion:SwiftnessLong | Potion (Swiftness Long) | |
373:16 | Potion:SwiftnessII | Potion (Swiftness II) | |
373:17 | Potion:Slowness | Potion (Slowness) | |
373:18 | Potion:SlownessLong | Potion (Slowness Long) | |
373:19 | Potion:WaterBreathing | Potion (Water Breathing) | |
373:20 | Potion:WaterBreathingLong | Potion (Water Breathing Long) | |
373:21 | Potion:Healing | Potion (Healing) | |
373:22 | Potion:HealingII | Potion (Healing II) | |
373:23 | Potion:Harming | Potion (Harming) | |
373:24 | Potion:HarmingII | Potion (Harming II) | |
373:25 | Potion:Poison | Potion (Poison) | |
373:26 | Potion:PoisonLong | Potion (Poison Long) | |
373:27 | Potion:PoisonII | Potion (Poison II) | |
373:28 | Potion:Regeneration | Potion (Regeneration) | |
373:29 | Potion:RegenerationLong | Potion (Regeneration Long) | |
373:30 | Potion:RegenerationII | Potion (Regeneration II) | |
373:31 | Potion:Strength | Potion (Strength) | |
373:32 | Potion:StrengthLong | Potion (Strength Long) | |
373:33 | Potion:StrengthII | Potion (Strength II) | |
373:34 | Potion:Weakness | Potion (Weakness) | |
373:35 | Potion:WeaknessLong | Potion (Weakness Long) | |
374 | GlassBottle | Glass Bottle | |
375 | SpiderEye | Spider Eye | |
376 | FermentedSpiderEye | Fermented Spider Eye | |
377 | BlazePowder | Blaze Powder | |
378 | MagmaCream | Magma Cream | |
379 | BrewingStand | Brewing Stand | |
380 | Cauldron | Cauldron | |
382 | GlisteringMelon | Glistering Melon | |
383:10 | SpawnEgg:Chicken | Spawn Egg (Chicken) | |
383:11 | SpawnEgg:Cow | Spawn Egg (Cow) | |
383:12 | SpawnEgg:Pig | Spawn Egg (Pig) | |
383:13 | SpawnEgg:Sheep | Spawn Egg (Sheep) | |
383:14 | SpawnEgg:Wolf | Spawn Egg (Wolf) | |
383:15 | SpawnEgg:Villager | Spawn Egg (Villager) | |
383:16 | SpawnEgg:Mooshroom | Spawn Egg (Mooshroom) | |
383:17 | SpawnEgg:Squid | Spawn Egg (Squid) | |
383:18 | SpawnEgg:Rabbit | Spawn Egg (Rabbit) | |
383:19 | SpawnEgg:Bat | Spawn Egg (Bat) | |
383:20 | SpawnEgg:IronGolem | Spawn Egg (Iron Golem) | |
383:21 | SpawnEgg:SnowGolem | Spawn Egg (Snow Golem) | |
383:22 | SpawnEgg:Ocelot | Spawn Egg (Ocelot) | |
383:32 | SpawnEgg:Zombie | Spawn Egg (Zombie) | |
383:33 | SpawnEgg:Creeper | Spawn Egg (Creeper) | |
383:34 | SpawnEgg:Skeleton | Spawn Egg (Skeleton) | |
383:35 | SpawnEgg:Spider | Spawn Egg (Spider) | |
383:36 | SpawnEgg:ZombiePigman | Spawn Egg (Zombie Pigman) | |
383:37 | SpawnEgg:Slime | Spawn Egg (Slime) | |
383:38 | SpawnEgg:Enderman | Spawn Egg (Enderman) | |
383:39 | SpawnEgg:Silverfish | Spawn Egg (Silverfish) | |
383:40 | SpawnEgg:CaveSpider | Spawn Egg (Cave Spider) | |
383:41 | SpawnEgg:Ghast | Spawn Egg (Ghast) | |
383:42 | SpawnEgg:MagmaCube | Spawn Egg (Magma Cube) | |
383:43 | SpawnEgg:Blaze | Spawn Egg (Blaze) | |
383:44 | SpawnEgg:ZombieVillager | Spawn Egg (Zombie Villager) | |
383:45 | SpawnEgg:Witch | Spawn Egg (Witch) | |
384 | BottleoEnchanting | Bottle o Enchanting | |
388 | Emerald | Emerald | |
389 | ItemFrame | Item Frame | |
390 | FlowerPot | Flower Pot | |
391 | Carrot | Carrot | |
392 | Potato | Potato | |
393 | BakedPotato | Baked Potato | |
394 | PoisonousPotato | Poisonous Potato | |
395 | EmptyMap | Empty Map | |
396 | GoldenCarrot | Golden Carrot | |
397:0 | MobHead:SkeletonSkull | Mob Head (Skeleton Skull) | |
397:1 | MobHead:WitherSkeletonSkull | Mob Head (Wither Skeleton Skull) | |
397:2 | MobHead:ZombieHead | Mob Head (Zombie Head) | |
397:3 | MobHead:Head | Mob Head (Head) | |
397:4 | MobHead:CreeperHead | Mob Head (Creeper Head) | |
400 | PumpkinPie | Pumpkin Pie | |
403 | EnchantedBook | Enchanted Book | |
404 | RedstoneComparator | Redstone Comparator | |
405 | NetherBrick | Nether Brick | |
406 | NetherQuartz | Nether Quartz | |
407 | MinecartWithTNT | MinecartWithTNT | |
408 | MinecartWithHopper | MinecartWithHopper | |
410 | Hopper | Hopper | |
411 | RawRabbit | Raw Rabbit | |
412 | CookedRabbit | Cooked Rabbit | |
413 | RabbitStew | Rabbit Stew | |
414 | RabbitsFoot | Rabbits Foot | |
415 | RabbitHide | Rabbit Hide | |
427 | SpruceDoor | Spruce Door | |
428 | BirchDoor | Birch Door | |
429 | JungleDoor | Jungle Door | |
430 | AcaciaDoor | Acacia Door | |
431 | DarkOakDoor | Dark Oak Door | |
438:0 | SplashPotion:Water | Splash Potion (Water) | |
438:1 | SplashPotion:Mundane | Splash Potion (Mundane) | |
438:2 | SplashPotion:Mundane2 | Splash Potion (Mundane2) | |
438:3 | SplashPotion:Thick | Splash Potion (Thick) | |
438:4 | SplashPotion:Awkward | Splash Potion (Awkward) | |
438:5 | SplashPotion:NightVision | Splash Potion (Night Vision) | |
438:6 | SplashPotion:NightVisionLong | Splash Potion (Night Vision Long) | |
438:7 | SplashPotion:Invisibility | Splash Potion (Invisibility) | |
438:8 | SplashPotion:InvisibilityLong | Splash Potion (Invisibility Long) | |
438:9 | SplashPotion:Leaping | Splash Potion (Leaping) | |
438:10 | SplashPotion:LeapingLong | Splash Potion (Leaping Long) | |
438:11 | SplashPotion:LeapingII | Splash Potion (Leaping II) | |
438:12 | SplashPotion:FireResistance | Splash Potion (Fire Resistance) | |
438:13 | SplashPotion:FireResistanceLong | Splash Potion (Fire Resistance Long) | |
438:14 | SplashPotion:Swiftness | Splash Potion (Swiftness) | |
438:15 | SplashPotion:SwiftnessLong | Splash Potion (Swiftness Long) | |
438:16 | SplashPotion:SwiftnessII | Splash Potion (Swiftness II) | |
438:17 | SplashPotion:Slowness | Splash Potion (Slowness) | |
438:18 | SplashPotion:SlownessLong | Splash Potion (Slowness Long) | |
438:19 | SplashPotion:WaterBreathing | Splash Potion (Water Breathing) | |
438:20 | SplashPotion:WaterBreathingLong | Splash Potion (Water Breathing Long) | |
438:21 | SplashPotion:Healing | Splash Potion (Healing) | |
438:22 | SplashPotion:HealingII | Splash Potion (Healing II) | |
438:23 | SplashPotion:Harming | Splash Potion (Harming) | |
438:24 | SplashPotion:HarmingII | Splash Potion (Harming II) | |
438:25 | SplashPotion:Poison | Splash Potion (Poison) | |
438:26 | SplashPotion:PoisonLong | Splash Potion (Poison Long) | |
438:27 | SplashPotion:PoisonII | Splash Potion (Poison II) | |
438:28 | SplashPotion:Regeneration | Splash Potion (Regeneration) | |
438:29 | SplashPotion:RegenerationLong | Splash Potion (Regeneration Long) | |
438:30 | SplashPotion:RegenerationII | Splash Potion (Regeneration II) | |
438:31 | SplashPotion:Strength | Splash Potion (Strength) | |
438:32 | SplashPotion:StrengthLong | Splash Potion (Strength Long) | |
438:33 | SplashPotion:StrengthII | Splash Potion (Strength II) | |
438:34 | SplashPotion:Weakness | Splash Potion (Weakness) | |
438:35 | SplashPotion:WeaknessLong | Splash Potion (Weakness Long) | |
439 | Camera | Camera | |
457 | Beetroot | Beetroot | |
458 | BeetrootSeeds | Beetroot Seeds | |
459 | BeetrootSoup | Beetroot Soup | |
460 | RawSalmon | Raw Salmon | |
461 | Clownfish | Clownfish | |
462 | Pufferfish | Pufferfish | |
463 | CookedSalmon | Cooked Salmon | |
466 | EnchantedGoldenApple | Enchanted Golden Apple |